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What is a Keepsakes Roadshow?
Keepsakes Roadshow is a free program designed to bring people together to share their keepsakes and stories. Questers offer this program to 55-plus adult communities and other
groups. This “show and tell” trip down memory lane is always fun! Every item is appreciated; every story is valued. And every person attending is treasured.
Usually a Keepsakes Roadshow program is sponsored by a chapter of Questers. We provide an emcee, and Questers members serve as conversation hosts at the tables where participants sit. Each attendee is encouraged to bring a treasured keepsake and to share a short story about its personal significance. Everyone gets a turn in the spotlight! Typically, the array of items brought is fascinating, and the stories told are so interesting—whether it’s a tale of Ukrainian folk dancing, an homage to Mom’s cooking or an anecdote about grandmother’s friendship with the Queen Mum.
What can you expect at a Keepsakes Roadshow?
Our program is roughly modeled on Antiques Roadshow, but we do not provide appraisals. During our programs, we place as much importance on the stories as on the keepsakes themselves. The keepsakes are the key to memory. Since Questers study antiques as well as history topics, we try to help attendees who are looking for more information on their keepsakes.
We also provide brief background information on Questers activities and on our mission—to keep history alive!
Schedule a Keepsakes Roadshow!
If your organization is interested in hosting a Keepsakes Roadshow, please contact us at the email address below. Once of our members will contact you about arranging a date.
We will provide you with printed and digital materials to help you promote a Keepsakes Roadshow event, and we will outline specifically how a Keepsakes Roadshow program runs and what facilities best accommodate it.
We look forward to working with you to provide an event your group will love!